Nursing Home Residents

How much room does the resident have? Do they have room for the gift you have in mind? Are they physically able to use the gift? Will they need help to use the gift and, if so, is the help readily available?
Popular gifts that have stood the test of time for nursing home residents are books and magazines.. A new book by a favorite author is always welcome. A subscription to a favorite magazine is also a good idea.
A box of candy is another popular choice but before giving candy, check with the caregivers to see if this is something the resident can have or can be doled out occasionally.
If the resident enjoys writing letters and cards, a box of all-occasion cards or notepaper would be welcome. Add some postage stamps and pre-printed labels for the people they write to and they can write cards and letters whenever they want to.
Coloring books and crayons are fun for both residents and visitors.
